The VCAN Board has reviewed all of our challenge coin contest entries and wow are we a talented group! We are so excited to announce the Challenge Coin Winner for the back of the VCAN membership coin: Congratulations to Michelle Walczyk with Culpeper Police Department! Join us in celebrating Michelle! As always we want to thank all of our members for your talents and submissions for this contest. We truly appreciate all that you do!
New VCAN Challenge Coin Design Unveiled!
Member Voices
Our VCAN Community
I'm a new analyst, and it was really nice to meet people and put faces to the names I've seen in my email inbox.
I appreciate high quality speakers that brought their expertise into the classroom that allowed me to bring actionable ideas back to my agency.
VCAN is always enjoyed by myself and the analysts of Chesterfield PD. We love the opportunity to network and get updates on leveraging software we use daily.